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Pssst . . . hey, you. Right here. Yeah, you. Don’t make any sudden moves. Just look straight ahead at your screen, like you’re really concentrating on that [insert project name here] that your boss asked you to do, even though you’re not quite sure about how to get it going.

This is where I come in.

Perhaps you’re an ad agency or marketing firm who needs an extra writer for a campaign. Or maybe you own a small business and don’t have a full-time marketing staff. Maybe you’re a songwriter in need of some web content for your site, or you work for a hospital that needs a :30-second television spot. . . .

Regardless of how you arrived here, you’ve got a [insert project name again] to do, and it’s gotta be right/innovative/creative/hip/traditional/working seamlessly or you’re toast. Let’s talk about your vision, hone in on an objective or two, then determine our next steps. Whether you’re in need of creative concepting, an ad campaign, web content, ghostwriting your boss’s memoirs, or even editing a white paper . . . I’ve got you covered. And then some.

Now just in case someone’s watching, slowly glance down to my contact information at the bottom of the screen, as though you’re deep in thought, and let’s connect.

My job is to make it happen for you!

© 2010–2016 That Writer

telephone: 615.491.8909  •  e-mail: miriamisthatwriter@gmail.com